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Benefits of Effective Signage and Decals

A place of establishment with a clear, organized and effective signage  has many long-lasting benefits that far outweigh the initial investment including: an opportunity to project a positive image, provide instant communication and direction to guests, and increased efficiency for  all guests and employees, including  First Team Responders in emergency situations.

Why should we buy from you?

There are many sign companies out there, but none that offer the unique line of products that we do at the prices we offer.  Our signage systems aim to offer a welcoming presence in your hallways and convenience in updating room information.  We will stand behind the quality of our products and will do everything we can to accommodate your signage needs. In addition, we take pride in knowing our products are made in the U.S.A.

Let Research Do The Talking

#1: “That initial impression can determine whether a parent feels comfortable enough to return or decides to avoid the school whenever possible.Those newcomers can be a terrific source of volunteers, but first impressions are key.  Make your foyer as warm and welcoming as possible by painting a mural, hanging a sign, or brightening the area with plants. By focusing on creating a welcoming atmosphere, you can make sure your school is one where new families feel comfortable and want to participate.  Don’t assume that your school is welcoming just because you are a close-knit community.” PTO Today Website; Make New Families Feel Welcome by Patti Ghezzi


#2: Graphic signage produced the greatest rate of travel in all settings, but textual signage was the most effective in reducing wayfinding errors, such as wrong turns and backtracking.  Overall, the addition of signage resulted in a:

•  13% increase in rate of travel

•  50% decrease in wrong turns

•  62% decrease in backtracking across the five settings

Sage Publications, Environment and Behavior: Effects of Signage and Floor Plan Configuration on Wayfinding Accuracy, By Michael J. O'Neill  Interior Environments Program at the University of Wisconsin-Madison


#3: “Ineffective wayfinding systems are very problematic for buildings because of the costs they can incur and the time that users devote to searching for a desired location. In an environment where bad wayfinding systems occur, people rely on the staff of the building to direct them to their destination. Further, users may also become so frustrated with the environment that they will not return. If a building has good wayfinding features, the user should have a positive experience when reaching their destination.” What is Wayfinding? University of Michigan


#4: According to a signage study, the Signage Foundation concluded:


•  40% of the participants said that signs caused them to draw assumptions.

•  60% missed a destination because the signage was too small.

•  75% said the signs made an impact on their first impression.

  80% admitted to be extremely annoyed if they can't read a sign.

2011 Signage Foundation Inc. Report

#5: "The biggest payoff for a welcoming school is the win-win partnerships that result," Karen Willoughby, coordinator of family services and involvement at the Office of Early Childhood and Family Services in Virginia’s Fairfax County Public Schools. "It’s been shown time and time again that with today’s tough educational challenges, we need to develop parent-school relationships at the start of the school year. Creating a welcoming environment is one way to do that….If parents don’t feel that the school is approachable; it just makes communication issues worse…. If we can create a comfortable bond with parents from day one, it makes it much easier to handle problems that come up later in the year…”

“PTOs are in a unique and powerful position for promoting a welcoming atmosphere at school. It’s hard to feel welcome when you don’t know where you are or how to find out.  View the school through the eyes of a special needs child, another as a parent new to the school, and a third as a parent new to the country, for example.”

Research shows that when parents are involved in their children's education, the children are more likely to:

•  Earn better grades.

•  Show improved behavior.

•  Score higher on tests.

•  More positive attitude toward school.

•  Pass their classes.

•  Complete homework assignments.

•  Attend school regularly.

•  Graduate and continue their education.

•  Have better social skills.                           

PTO Today Website: Is Your School Parent-Friendly? by Joy Underhill


#6: “According to Grunder, the most common theme observed in all of the Solid Foundation schools visited is the warm and friendly atmosphere where families feel welcome and better equipped as partners in their children's education.” Website: Parent Involvement Best


#7: “School environment and school connectedness can be the determining factors in a young person’s educational experience.  Environment matters. As human beings, we naturally react to the physical impact of our surroundings We respond to pleasing décor.  Study after study indicates that a positive school environment is essential for optimal teaching and learning.” Best Practices for Building Blocks for Enhanced School Environment by Robert Blum, MD, PHD, Senior Professor and Chair of the Department of Population and Family Health Sciences, St. John Hopkins Bloomberg School University School of Public Health


#8: “Make that first experience a positive one, so people will want to come back.” PTO Today Website: 26 Ways To Build Involvement by Craig Bystrynski


#9: “One other area where schools often miss the boat for signage is the opportunity to truly welcome and embrace visitors.”

School Planning and Management Website;  Article title: “Sign of the Times” by Marty Gregg


#10: “An effective and cohesive signage system heightens the excitement of a vibrant and creative institution”….”First time visitors, unfamiliar with the campus layout, rely heavily on signage to find their way around the institution and depend on the institution to make signs understanding and visually appealing”  and “lowers frustration and stress increasing building friendliness and productivity”

American School and University Website;  Article Title:  “Sign of the Times”  by Ernest Dwight


#11 “Creating a welcoming atmosphere can be especially important in schools where the student population is ever-changing.”

Education World  Website; Article Title:  Does Your School's Atmosphere Shout "Welcome?  Multiple principal authors listed


#12 “Improved navigation will make a greater visitor experience.” Four Winds Interactive Website; Article Title:  Wayfinding Signage for a New Market Place”


#13  “Posting welcoming signs will help families become better aquainted and to make families feel welcome inside the school.”

Cypress Fairbanks Independent School District website/ ; Article Title “Parent Involvement Strategies to Reach and Involve Multicultural Families”


#14 “Whether your campus is small and intimate or large and sprawling, visitors require a signage system to find their way around.  A campus wayfinding system must strike a precarious balance being   effective, accessible, correct, current, complimentary and appealing… important to create a more welcoming and consistent atmosphere on campus.” School Planning and Management  website;  Article  “The Right of Wayfinding”  by Danielle Przyborowski

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